Long-Term Care and Medicaid Planning

Long-Term Care and

Medicaid Planning

Long-Term Care and

Medicaid Planning

Long-Term Care and Medicaid Planning

Two women are sitting at a table looking at a book.

Personal care is expensive, whether at home, in assisted living, or in a nursing home. In Georgia, the average daily cost of a private room in a nursing home in Georgia was approximately $223, or over $81,000 per year.

Providing the same level of care at home or in assisted living can be even more expensive. These costs are covered by long-term care insurance. Unfortunately, few of today’s seniors have such insurance. That means that they must rely on their savings to cover these rising costs. Few people can afford to pay for long-term care for very long and doing so can leave a healthy spouse destitute and deplete the inheritance a couple has worked long and hard to leave to their family.

The Medicaid program pays for nursing home care for those who qualify and, in some instances, for assisted living and home care. The rules are complicated and ever-changing, and the application process can also be daunting.

At SR Law we guide seniors and their families through this process, helping them to protect their savings and to receive the benefits and care to which they are entitled. We do this both through advance planning with clients in good health or who have just been diagnosed with an illness and working with families of seniors who are hospitalized or in a nursing home.

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